In this section you will find a variety of documents that give you detailed information about our service management solutions and services.
User manuals
We have made a lot of important information about our KIX products and the additional modules available online for you - so you are always up to date.
Questions about our software that are not answered in our manuals can of course be answered in a direct conversation with us. Please also feel free to leave comments that will help us in the further development of our products.
installation instructions
The installation instructions for KIX are described in the manual. There you will find all information about the prerequisites, the basic installation as well as the first start-up. Simply follow the link:
We are continuously developing our products KIX, KIX Pro and the additional modules. New features and extensions are added regularly. To keep you up to date, we have set up the changelog.
The migration is designed in such a way that it can be repeated as often as desired without data loss, should problems occur.
For this purpose, the database of the source system is exported and re-imported into the new system and adapted accordingly. This requires sufficient space in the file system, on the one hand in the directory that is specified as the target directory for temporary files during the migration, and on the other hand on the hard disk where the database is re-imported.
Therefore, please ensure that sufficient space is available in the respective file system. Otherwise the migration will fail.
The procedure described here cannot be transferred 1:1 to KIX Pro, as additional components are installed compared to KIX.
It is very easy to switch from a classic ((OTRS)) Community Edition to the new service system KIX. As a prerequisite it is important that
- the ((OTRS)) Community Edition system runs on ((OTRS)) Community Edition Version 5.
- the ((OTRS)) Community Edition system uses the same database management system as KIX.
- the following packages must be installed in the ((OTRS)) Community Edition must be installed
- GeneralCatalog
- ImportExport
- ITSMCore
- ITSMConfigurationManagement
- ITSMIncidentProblemManagement
After that, only a few steps have to be carried out as administrator. The migration itself is carried out automatically by a corresponding migration script (/opt/kix/scripts/
The concrete description of the migration steps and the procedure can be found in the file /opt/kix/ after the installation of KIX. Simply follow the instructions.