KIX Release 18.26


KIX Release 18.26


In the current release for our service software KIX, the focus was primarily on stabilising the achieved functionality as well as significant performance improvements. Thanks to the support of our partners uib GmbH and SINTEC Informatik GmbH, we were able to implement two more functional add-ons based on KIX Connect: the CMDB inventory for opsi and Baramundi. 

Stabilisation and performance improvement (KIX Pro / Cloud)

The performance of KIX 18 could be significantly improved in the course of the current update and achieved functionalities further stabilised. In the next releases, a pagination/page display will be introduced in almost all tables to enable a faster display of information.

Edit and delete articles (KIX Pro / KIX Cloud)

Agent users now have the option to edit individual communication articles subsequently, for example, to change the visibility in the Self Service Portal, the order or also article contents or attachments. In addition, individual articles can be deleted manually or automatically.

Both functions are only available after explicit activation in the admin area. In the course of this change, an optional confirmation query is offered for "one-click actions". An agent user must first confirm this query before the action is executed. 

CMDB Inventory for Baramundi and opsi (KIX Pro / Cloud - Connect AddOns)

Opsi connection

KIX Connect Opsi is an add-on module to KIX Pro, based on "KIX Connect". It offers the possibility to record asset data in KIX based on the inventory solution opsi ( The information available in opsi can thus be used in the KIX Service Management System.

Our partner uib (manufacturer of opsi) supported us in the implementation. Thanks for this.

Baramundi connection

KIX Connect Baramundi is an add-on module to KIX Pro based on "KIX Connect". It offers the possibility to enter asset data in KIX based on the inventory solution Baramundi ( The information available in a Baramundi can thus be used in the KIX Service Management System.

Our partner Sintec supported us intensively and trustfully during the implementation. Many thanks for this as well.

›› You can find detailed information on this in our KIX forum.

Illustration with the Opsi Setup Assistent
Opsi Setup Assistent
Illustration with Baramundi Setup Assistent
Baramundi Setup Assistent

Miscellaneous and update notes

Object actions have a further specification "Behavior". This controls whether the existing reference object (ticket or article) is changed or a new one is created. Existing object actions are updated automatically. After the update, the correct function of the actions should be checked. 

The role "Customer Manager" receives previously missing permissions (Create, Read, Update) on the resource /system/objections. This means that avatars for contacts and logos for organisations can now be maintained. If the role has been renamed or other roles have been defined based on this role, the permissions must be added manually. 

Complete feature list

You can find detailed documentation on the new features and the fixed bugs from KIX18.26 in our KIX forum. There you can also send us your questions, hints or problems concerning KIX at any time.


In the next KIX 18 version 27, the PDF printing of tickets will be replaced, the Self Service Portal will be equipped with Kerberos SSO and the LDAP connection will be improved, among other things. We will make further performance improvements.


The mandatory fields marked with "*" are essential for contacting us.


The mandatory fields marked with "*" are essential for contacting us.