Secure access procedure

control and document building access with QR code scan

Do you need an access procedure for security areas, events or other restricted-access rooms? KIX makes it possible.

Visitors, participants or other authorized persons can apply for access to the "room" via the agent, customer or public front end. Applicants then receive - after they have been checked and approved - an email with a QR code. The person concerned can then use this QR code to identify himself at the admission control at the entrance.

The QR code contains a direct link to the ticket in our open source service software Kix. There, after scanning the code, the inspector will find all information about the registered person and can record entries and exits in the ticket. After the approval expires, a GenericAgent automatically closes the access ticket.

Creation of a "new process ticket" in the KIX

The applicant enters all the necessary data pertaining to the access process in a "new process ticket". Various options for "process" or "type of request" are stored in the system and can be selected accordingly.

Events, for example, are managed by the customer as a CI class in the CMDB (device database).

This also enables the creation of a wide variety of evaluations, e.g. how many applications were made per event or the creation of lists of participants, etc.

Erstellen eines "Neues Prozessticket" im KIX

Der Antragsteller trägt alle erforderlichen Daten, die zum Zugangsprozess gehören, in ein "Neues Prozessticket" ein. Diverse Auswahlmöglichkeiten zu "Prozess" oder "Art der Anfrage" sind im System hinterlegt und können entsprechend selektiert werden.

Veranstaltungen beispielsweise werden vom Kunden als CI-Klasse in der CMDB (Gerätedatenbank) verwaltet.

Dies ermöglicht auch die Erstellung verschiedenster Auswertungen, z.B. wieviele Anträge wurden pro Veranstaltung gestellt oder die Erstellung von Teilnehmerlisten usw.

Application approval

After the application has been approved in the process, the applicant receives an email containing a QR code for admission authorization.

This code must be shown to the responsible inspector at the entrance and scanned accordingly by him.


Nach Genehmigung des Antrags im Prozess, erhält der Antragssteller eine E-Mail, welche einen QR-Code für die Einlassberechtigung enthält.

Dieser Code muss dem zuständigen Kontrolleur am Eingang vorgezeigt und von diesem entsprechend abgescannt werden. 

Check In und Check Out

After scanning the QR code, the inspector can access the relevant KIX ticket directly via the link contained in the QR code. The options "Access" (Check-In) or "Exit" (Check-Out) are then available to him in "Process Detection". These are then archived accordingly.

After each entry or exit, an article is archived on the ticket, which logs the time stamp and the executing controller. Any number of entries and exits can be archived on the ticket.

The ticket then closes automatically 1 day after the event date specified in the application has expired. In the future, a second so-called billing ticket should then be triggered, via which billing can then take place if necessary.

Sounds good and would you like something?

We are at your disposal for further information on this great KIX extension.

The mandatory fields marked with "*" are essential for contacting us.


The mandatory fields marked with "*" are essential for contacting us.


The mandatory fields marked with "*" are essential for contacting us.