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KanBan for Service Teams

Whether for ITSM, Enterprise Service Management or Customer Support. KIX KanBan offers your service team a user-friendly management of all tickets, processes and tasks.

Illustration - KanBan - agiles Ticketmanagement

Agile ticket management for
agile service teams

Admittedly, the buzzword agility has been overused in recent years when it comes to teamwork methods. However, especially in the area of service management, it is a great advantage if the sometimes high complexity of service processes can be broken down in an easily understandable and well visualized way. KIX KanBan also offers the advantage that smaller processes can be handled as quickly, proactively and flexibly as possible. This makes ticket management really fun!

Illustration - KIX Add-on Kanban - Drag and Drop

Update tickets via drag and drop

Unlike traditional ticket viewing and editing, the individual cards (i.e. tickets) can be moved across the columns (Backlog, In Progress, Waiting, Recently Closed) simply by dragging and dropping. This updates the editor and status information "on the fly" in the background. These automated ticket updates minimize unnecessary clicks, provide a smooth and intuitive experience, and make the day-to-day work of your service agents a little easier.

KIX Service Software - Illustration KanBan Add-on

Teamboard vs. your own board!
Why not both?

Do you want to provide the best possible agile service to your customers? Then it can sometimes be very important to keep an eye on the tickets of other team members in case of illness, vacation and other last minute changes. With KIX KanBan you can flexibly switch between your personal board and the team board and edit or reassign your colleagues' tasks as needed.

Other advantages of KIX KanBan

Up-to-date and flexible planning

Your team can focus on current processes. If necessary, tickets can be quickly re-prioritized or other tickets can be brought forward. With KIX KanBan you can react faster to external changes.

Problem Visibility

Problems in progress are always clearly visible. The search for optimal solutions can be focused on the "bottleneck".

Transparent service processes

Your service processes and workflows are completely transparent because every agent can see the current phases and task status.

Do you want to be more agile and test KIX KanBan?

KIX Sales Consultant: Hendrik Schulze

Then talk to us! We will be happy to provide you with a test system and show you the possibilities of working with the KIX KanBan board.

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