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Strong Consulting Partner

The partnership with Mana-I Navodaya GmbH (formerly DWZI) plays a special role in our cooperation. Mana-I is not only a consulting partner, but also works with us holistically in the acquisition of customers and other partner companies.

Tom Moritz is the spearhead in Austria and passionately represents KIX as service software in the emerging ITSM market for more diversity and market presence.

Your complete partner for complex challenges!

Portrait Tom Moritz - Mana-I Navodaya GmbH
Tom MoritzSenior IT Consultant & Software Engineer, Mana-I Navodaya GmbH

About Mana-I Navodaya

DWZI GmbH was founded in 2015 and builds on the many years of experience of its two-man team. Our business is to support, accompany and strengthen your projects in their entirety. We use our broad knowledge and our large network to meet your individual needs and to realize your projects in your best interest.

We see ourselves as hybrid professionals with IT and business expertise. We are also able to acquire in-depth project-related knowledge at short notice. This enables us to provide you and your individual projects with comprehensive support and advice.

We always work on the optimal solution that best fits your business. That is why we use free open source software for small companies. Larger projects are managed by us as an external organization, which takes over controlling functions (management & monitoring) and thus ensures effectiveness and functionality.

We would like to convince you personally of our capabilities and share our diverse projects and experiences with you. To get a first impression of DWZI's strengths and work, please visit our website and our social media presence.

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