The combination of the baramundi Management Suite and KIX creates a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. This gives support staff a powerful tool to effectively handle the ever-increasing workload in their department.
About baramundi
baramundi software GmbH enables companies and organizations to manage workstation environments efficiently, securely and across platforms. Companies and organizations around the world benefit from the German manufacturer's many years of experience and excellent products.
These are combined in the baramundi Management Suite (bMS) according to a holistic, future-oriented, unified endpoint management approach: Client management, enterprise mobility management and endpoint security are performed via a common interface, in a single database and according to uniform standards.
By automating routine tasks and providing a comprehensive overview of the status of the network and clients, bMS optimizes IT management processes. It reduces the burden on IT administrators and ensures that users have the rights and applications they need on all platforms and form factors - (i)PCs, servers, notebooks, mobile devices or Macs - anytime, anywhere.